Monday, April 12, 2010

Women if Faith

Friday, August 13, 2010 at 7:00pm
Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 5:00pm

Imagine what it would be like if the God who created us was willing and able to provide exactly what we need. Why would He do that? Because He loves us. He loves YOU. Imagine that. Imagine having two days focused on God and His love for you. Join us for two days filled with laughter, music, and stories that make you chuckle even as you wipe away a knowing tear.
Don't miss it!

Summer Bible Study

We would like to continue our Bible learning during the summer. If you are interested in this please make a comment about what day and/or time and maybe a topic idea. I have a lot of great studies that we can do that are very easy to do even if you are in out for the summer. It would be nice to continue this during the summer to remain in the Word and see our Girlfriends. Let me know what you think . . . .


Saturday, April 17th at 9:13am
Where women Savor time with God and Friends ~ Imagine slowing down and being able to savor alone time with God and friends--breathing in all of God's wonderful love. Come grab a cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa. Spend 10 minutes with fellow Girlfriends or 30 minutes. We will have fun discussing a topic while sipping on something hot before we go on about our day.

GNO (Girls Night Out)

Tuesday, April 13th
7:00 pm
We will be meeting at Paradise Bakery & Café Village Pointe

Join us for a night of fun, fellowship and food

Stay for 30 minutes or stay for an hour
Interested in a movie? We can do that as well

April Event Garden Gala

Stop and smell the roses . . . And the daisies and the lilies
and the lilacs too! Join us at our Garden Gala, where we’ll
have bouquets of fun, food and friends.
Saturday, April 24
9:00 am - 11:00 am