Monday, October 31, 2011

When it's time to burn your candles. . .

As I type these words, candles gleam on my desk next to me. Nothing remarkable, it would seem, except that I've had these candles for years. I kept them stored away in a drawer waiting for a special occasion.

They're not fancy candles. Just round, simple candles, I think I paid five dollars for a bunch of them.

But I still couldn't bring myself to burn them. But recently I've been discovering more about joy and how God really does want us to have life to the full. It has changed my mind about those candles because I've realized this:

Life is a special occasion.
Every sunrise we welcome. Every laugh we get to share. Every brilliant, messy moment that I try to rush through and then wish I could recapture.

Life is worth celebrating.
Even on the days when I'm tempted to pull the covers back over my head. Even on the days when the house is messy, dinner gets burned and my to-do list doesn't get done. Even on the days when I'm not the woman I want to be.

Life is worth lighting a candle for all the time.
Because that little flame somehow helps me remember that even in the middle of all the crazy there is so much good. It tells me to take a moment to smile, dance, pray and be gloriously human. To think less about me and more about the God who hung the stars in place.

I light candles often now. I put them in the living room. The kitchen. I'll ignite them at 10am or 10pm and in between.

I'm scandalously extravagant in the use of those candles.

Bright little bits of joy everywhere.

They're out of that drawer at last.

And I wonder why I waited so long.

Dear Lord, life is a special occasion. Help me to remember this daily, even when my day just seems so crummy. I want to light my candle and let the light shine and bring joy everywhere. With Your help, I know I can do it. In Your Name, Amen.

I challenge you to light a candle or maybe even use the "good" dishes this week that you only use for "special occasions". Or how about wearing that "good" outfit you usually only wear on "special occasions"? You can wear it on a Wednesday! Everyday can be a "special occasion".

Have a great Monday. Be safe tonight.

Friday, October 28, 2011

You're more courageous than you know . . .

You've got courage.

I know, it sounds like the stuff that happens in battles, on mountains, to someone else.

But then Paul says,
"Take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as He said." (Acts 27:25)
I think of you staring at the ceiling in the night whispering a prayer.

I think of you walking down the hospital corridor holding on to hope.

I think of you in the middle of the everyday...raising kids, going to work, pressing on when you want to give up.

The reason you do?

Because somehow you find a way to keep believing God too.

That's courage.

And that is enough.

So lean in and listen to this...

You're more courageous than you know...

and the One Who Loves You truly does know.

He sees, understands, and will be with you all the way

Dear Lord, help me to remain courageous in my daily life. With You all things are possible. In Your Name, Amen

Have a super weekend

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Joyous Perspective

"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith."
Hebrews 10:22

Ever looked through a pair of binoculars? What if you peered through the lenses and caught a glimpse of God's face? What if you could see things the way He sees them? Hear things the way He hears them? What an amazing perspective! Every time you draw near to God, He offers you the opportunity to see Him. To find Him. To trust Him. Let Him give you His joyous perspective today.

Dear Lord, You want me to trust You. I will put my trust in you today. . . and what how You move on my behalf. In Your Name, Amen.

Hope you are having a great Thursday.
Looking forward to the weekend.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I Will Bow Down

"I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your future." Psalm 138:2

Sometimes we come into God's presence and we feel like shouting for joy. At other times His love drives us to our knees. Oh,how we're humbled by what He has done for us. We kneel in His presence and praise His name, not just for His gifts, but also for His moment-by-moment offering of love. Our God is worthy to be praised!

Dear Lord, Your great love for us is overwhelming. I can't help but praise! Help me to awaken in the morning with songs of worship on my lips, thank You for all You have done for me. What an awesome way to start the day. In Your Name, Amen.

Have a great day. Here is a link to a song that I just love to listen to lately. I thought you might enjoy it as well.

We Are by Kari Jobe

Blessings on your day,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ask for Help

"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16

Don't feel shy about approaching Jesus with all your cares. As God's child, you have a special place in His heart. When you have failed, you need not fear coming to the King of kings for mercy and grace. He is just waiting for you to admit the problem and ask for help. Seek Jesus' aid, whatever your trouble. That's what He wants you to do.

Dear Lord, it says in Romans 8:28, 'we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.' Help me to remember this verse during the good times and especially the hard times. Help me to look for You in every area of my life and give You thanks for being there. In Your Name, Amen.

Have a super day. Enjoy the weather

Monday, October 24, 2011

Walkin' Boots

"I heard about you from others; now I have seen you with my own eyes."
Job 42:5

As children we sang, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so," and we believed because, well, we were told to. But we reach a crossroads as adults: Either pull on the boots of faith and take ownership or simply polish them occasionally - maybe at Easter and Christmas - and allow them to sit neglected and dusty in the closet. Have you taken ownership of your faith? Go ahead, sister; those boots were made for walkin'!

Dear Lord, life isn't predictable. Certainly not perfect. But one thing is sure. You know the way through the good and disappointing times. You will guide my steps, bringing opportunities across my path that will shape my character and help me become the wise woman I long to be. Help direct me. You know the way. Help me put my boot's on and show me the absolute best trail I could ever take. In Your name, Amen.

Blessings on the start of a new week,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good News about YOU

God seems to be laying things on my heart lately. I guess with the 'extra' time I have He thinks He can hit me with some things that make me stay up way to late and ponder what He might be saying to me.

The other day I was thinking about freedom, grace and God whispered that even when I do not feel like enough, I am enough.

Here is the good news: When you flourish, you become more you. You become more that person God had in mind when God thought you up. You don't just become holier. You become you-ier.

You will change: God wants you to become "a new creation." But "new" doesn't mean completely different; instead it's like an old piece of furniture that gets restored to its intended beauty....God wants to redeem you, not exchange you.

I don't know about you but there are parts of me that I wish were different sometimes. I'm quiet in groups--I might even be anxious and fidget. I need time to process before I make a decision. I do not overlook details. I can't seem to bake a pie to save my life.

Yet when I look at those traits another way, I see characteristics that make me a good listener, an insightful friend, a big-picture dreamer and a person that can get things done. (The pies are another story--I still don't know what's redemptive about that. Hmm.)

It's a relief to know that what I wish would change about myself God simply wants to redirect and redeem.

I think of all the energy I spend trying to be less of the things that I wish were different about me.

What if I spent it instead on becoming more of who I'm been made to be all along?

Dear Lord, help me to become me-ier. Just like You want me to. Help me to see the traits You have given me, have been given to me for a reason... to do Your work in the kingdom. Show me today, how to put them to use for You. In Your Name, Amen

Hear are some thoughts for you to ponder today. Do you ever struggle to accept parts of who you are? How might God be able to use that in unexpected ways? Keep your mind and heart open and see what thoughts God will lay on your heart.

Blessings to you today,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


"For God says, 'At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation I helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2

God always meets us right now, in the present moment. We don't need to waste our time looking over our shoulders at the past, and we don't have to feel as though we need to reach some future moment before we can truly touch God. He is here now. Today, this very moment, is full of His grace.

Dear Lord help me to not be in such a hurry to get to the future that I miss out on the present. You have given me many gifts for right now. Help me to be excited about today and not overlook the grace You have given me today. In Your Name, Amen.

Hope you are having a great day

Monday, October 17, 2011

There is hope . . .

You can turn back to God,
because He has not turned His back on you.

You can hold on to God,
because He has not released His hold on you.

You can love God again,
because He has never stopped loving you.

I have formed you, you are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me! I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, And like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you. Isaiah 44:21-22

Blessings on your week

Friday, October 14, 2011

Serving God

"Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing." Psalm 100:2

We live in a needy world. People around the globe need food and medical care. People in our city need shelter. Our church needs volunteers to serve in the nursery. We can't fill every need. And God doesn't expect us to. We have limited time, energy, and resources. That'a why prayer is such an important part of serving. Only with God's help will we have the wisdom and courage to say yes or no to the opportunities that surround us.

Dear Lord, please be with all the people from Divine Shepherd that will go out into the Omaha community this weekend and serve You by serving others. Keep them safe, let them witness to those they come in contact with and allow them to bless those they come in contact with. In Your Name, Amen.

Have a good weekend

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Grace in Return

"Then those 'sheep' are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? . . .' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me.'" Matthew 25:37-40

If Christ were sitting on our doorstep, lonely and tired and hungry, what would we do? We like to think we would throw the door wide open and welcome Him into our home. But the truth is we're given the opportunity to offer our hospitality to Jesus each time we're faced with a person in need. His grace reaches out to us through those who feel misunderstood and overlooked, and He wants us to offer that same grace back in return.

Dear Lord, You call us to reach out in practical, tangible ways to everyone. Help me to seek a way to do this every day. In Your Name, Amen.

Have a great Thursday

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:34

You can look ahead and obsess about fears for the future or take life one day at a time and enjoy it. But you live only in today, not in the weeks, months, and years that may lie ahead. You can change life only in the moment you're in now. Since worry never improves the future and hurts only today, you'll benefit most from trusting in God and enjoying the spot where He has planted you for now.

Dear Lord, help me to enjoy where You have me today and not worry about tomorrow or the next day. In Your Name, Amen.

Blessings on your day,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You Are Called!

In the fictional movie, The Princess Diaries, Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is an awkward teenager enduring the usual difficulties of high school. That all changes the day her paternal grandmother Clarisse Renaldi (Julie Andrews) arrives with shocking news. It turns out that Mia is far from ordinary. She is, in fact, a princess and the only heir to the throne of Genovia.

Mia proceeds to get herself into a series of mishaps and embarrassing situations as she seeks to become who she rightfully is already. While we’ll probably never be called to rule a country, we all have a moment when the King of Kings calls us to be a princess in His kingdom. Much like Mia, our initial response may be the equivalent of, “Who, me?”

But our calling isn’t about us. Like Mia, we may not see ourselves as “princess material” but what matters most is the will of our Father.

Even after we’ve accepted God’s offer to be a princess, we may forget our calling from time to time. Imagine if Mia moved out of the palace and lived on the streets. Her beautiful gowns would become dirty, she would have little to eat, and few would guess her real identity. Yet the fact that she was royalty wouldn’t change. Being called is just the first step. Carrying out our calling is a lifetime pursuit.

Living our calling can sometimes be confusing because our culture tends to view “a calling” as synonymous with a vocation. We say pastors are “called” to the ministry. A missionary might be “called” overseas. Yet Scripture talks about our calling in a much deeper way. Being called by God is about who we are not about what we do.

You can carry out your calling as a stay-at-home mom, a CEO, a marketing director, a caregiver, or any number of other ways. What matters most is embracing your identity in Christ and living your faith wherever you are today. As Mia finally discovered, being a princess doesn’t require a castle, fancy gowns, or lavish parties. It only requires a heart fully committed to the king.

Ring, ring.

There’s a call for your heart.
It’s been there since the day you were born.
And it will be there until the day you go Home.
Pick it up, listen closely, and you’ll hear
the voice of Your Father whispering what’s true...

“You are mine.
I made you.
Chose you.
Called you.
That call isn’t about a vocation.
It’s about making a difference wherever you are.
It’s about being who I created you to be.
No one else can take your place.
No one else can answer this call.
I’m so glad you did.
I’ll be right here telling you all you need to know
every day, every step of the way.
I love to hear your voice...
and I love when you listen to Mine.”

Blessings on your day as you carry out your calling in the Lord

Monday, October 10, 2011


"The righteous will never be moved . . . Their hearts are firm, secure in the Lord."
Psalm 112:6-7

God is your safe haven from all of life's difficulty. When the pressures of life seem more than you can take - grab hold of the stability found only in Him. You're His for safekeeping. He stands ready to receive you with open arms. The blanket of His love and compassion are there to surround you and bring warmth to your heart during life's coldest hours. Stand under His umbrella of protection throughout the storms. Take refuge in Him - He's your sanctuary!

Dear Lord, help me to remember You are my sanctuary. Your love and compassion have surrounded me daily. Keep me safe as a new week has started. In Your Name, Amen.

Blessings on your day,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Everyday Joy

Dear Friend,
As I walk through the house with windows open, sunlight drifting in like a casual visitor.
The tile feels cool underneath my feet and the curtains wave hello in the early autumn wind.
It's a beautiful day.

I stop in the middle of the kitchen, glance over dishes still on the counter.
My attention shifts to the open door of the bedroom where white sheets are still crumpled.
I sigh, the stillness of the moment slipping away as my house turns from a sanctuary to a place where there's much to do.

Then I stop, reconsider, and say the phrase that I've been whispering to myself these last few weeks, "People live here."

Those dishes? They're evidence of a slowly savored dinner and conversation with my family.
That bed? It's a reminder of a morning that has felt less hurried than usual and the extra cup of coffee that felt like a lovely surprise.

People live here--people who laugh, make messes, forget to put the plates away, drop their shoes in the living room sometimes. People who are gloriously imperfect. Those things to do? They can wait--but love can't.

I think of my heart then too. How it reminds me so much of this house sometimes. Messy corners. Unswept places. Dust bunnies of "should's" and "ought to's" peeking out at me.

Then suddenly I recall the same phrase again, "People live here." And I smile because I know it's true. There's a person who is imperfect, in process, in the middle of becoming all she'll be (that's me). And a Person who's flawless and committed to seeing all of His good work in me through to completion.

The parts of my heart that still need work?
They can wait for His perfect timing--but love can't.

So today I choose love.
In my home.
In my heart.

I put what matters most before having everything "just so." Instead I take deep breath, whisper a prayer, and ask for the grace to have eyes that see what He does just so I can love in this moment.

Yes, it's a beautiful day.

I pray you are having a beautiful day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Key to Happiness

"He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he."
Proverbs 16:20

Want the key to true happiness? Try wisdom. When others around you are losing their heads, losing their cool, and losing sleep over their decisions, choose to react differently. Step up to the plate. Handle matters wisely. Wise choices always lead to joyous outcomes. And along the way, you will be setting an example for others around you to follow. So, c'mon . . . get happy! Get wisdom!

Hope you are having a happy day.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forgiveness, Love's Key

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

It's human nature to withhold forgiveness in order to teach the other person a lesson but that's not God's way. He doesn't want us to wait too long to forgive. His desire is that we're honest with each other when we're upset. After all, we all sin and fall short. We have to be willing to go the distance and do what it takes to mend fences. How do we accomplish this? Love deeply.

I pray that you will be able to forgive the person that God has maybe put on your heart today that needs to be forgiven. You can do it, you have God on your side.

Blessings on your day,

Monday, October 3, 2011

What Really Matters on a Monday

I'm thinking of you starting your week...
Maybe you're at a kitchen table.
Perhaps in an office.
Or holding a phone with one hand and a baby with the other.
You might be next door or across the world.
The beautiful thing about this online space is how it's taught me that wherever we may be,
we are all more alike than different when it comes to our hearts.
Don't you think so too?
And that means, like me, you probably need to hear again on this Monday morning...
You're loved. {Eph. 3:16-19}
You're part of a good plan. {Jeremiah 29:11}.
You're who you're made to be. {Genesis 1:31}
Whatever is ahead for you this week, your great big God is too!

Prayers going out for each and everyone one of you today reading this devotion.
I pray your week is a good one and you see God in every moment