I imagine a sturdy oak tree, one that's been growing for decades. Its roots run deep. It's grounded. When the storms of life strike, that tree is going to stand strong. Now think of your own roots. Do they run deep? When temptations strike, will you stand strong? Dig into the Word. Receive it with joy. Let it be your foundation. Plant yourself and let your roots run deep.
Healing and Redeeming God, thank you for your love - love that seeks and finds the lost, love that brings healing and hope, love that redeems and guides, love that comforts, love that you have for me. And thank you for your Word where evidence of your love is found on every page. Great is your faithfulness, amazing is your grace, and humbling and wonderful is your love! In your Name, Amen.
Happy Wednesday to you!
I hope you are having a great day!
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