Thank God for friendship. Literally. Spending time with those who understand how you tick remind you what a wonderful woman you are, and challenge you to reach your God-given potential is one of life's greatest joys. The best way to have great friends is to be one. Pray regularly for women God brings into your life, asking God to help you love them in ways help you grow closer to each other and to Him.
What can you do to make Monday a fun day? Share a cupcake, sing a song, draw a smiley on your calendar, pet a puppy . . . what would you do? I have some ideas.
1. If you need encouragement, think of two people with whom you can share that need and make a plan to do so.
2. Look for people in your life to encourage.
3. In your journal, record a recent time when you received and/or gave encouragement. What were the results?
4. Write a note of encouragement to someone in need, letting them know you are praying for them. Offer to take care of a specific need such as preparing a meal, dropping by the grocery store to pick up a few items or picking up their cleaning. Many times, people in pain can't or won't ask for help. If you see a need, meet it.
5. Write a note of thanks to someone who has encouraged you.
Encouragement is like a boomerang. When thrown correctly, it will come back to you. Godly encouragement does not wait for an invitation to work. It looks for the opportunity to work.
Father, I am amazed at how You love me through others. Thank You for the gift of encouragement. Help me to receive that gift and then to give it away to someone else in need. I want to be Your hands and feet to those who are hurting around me. Give me eyes to see and love them, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Have a super Monday! Brighten up someones cold and windy day by encouraging them. I said hello to everyone I walked past at HyVee this morning! It was fun to watch the stern reaction turn into a smile. It can be just that simple. . . a smile! Of course later on when I go to Caribou Coffee I might just have to buy the person behind me a coffee :O)
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