Ephesians 4:23 AMP
Your attitude can substantially affect your happiness level. It's true. When your mind is assaulted every day by "stinkin' thinkin'"- things like, "I'm not good enough," "I'm not loved," "I'll never reach my dreams" - it's pretty tough to be happy. On the other hand, when you think about good things - God things - your happiness level will soar. Try it! "God loves me," "God is always by my side, watching out for me," "God has made me a winner." What a difference it will make.
Lord, I want my heart to continually be filled with praise and thanksgiving to You. Keep me anchored in the thought that all You do is for my good and glory. Only You are deserving of my praise and adoration. Amen.
Have you ever needed to hear something good, something pleasant? The right word at the right time is just what the doctor ordered, causing joy to spring up in your soul. Today if you see a friend going through a rough time, decide to speak that "good word." Give her a hug, a piece of Scripture, a text, an email or a phone call. Hopefully, this will change her attitude and we know that will make a huge difference in her day as well as yours for being that blessing. I challenge you to spread JOY and positive attitudes today (and everyday).
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