Setting an example for others can seem like a heavy weight - always having to watch your words and your actions. Being good on your own is a simple impossibility. There's only one way that you can live worthy to represent God. That is by letting Him live through you. When your self-interest crowds to the forefront, surrender yourself to Him. Soon you will find yourself demonstrating for others that it's possible to live a pure and godly life.
Dear Lord, let me live as a child of God. Let people see Jesus in me daily. Help me to remember you are always there with me and I can count on you in everything. Small or big. Give me the strength to walk the walk when at times walking is just so difficult. Put people in my life that will walk with me and be that example. And I pray you put people in my life that I can walk alongside with and be that example to them. If there is a person in my life right now that needs a friend and someone to walk with, show me that person. If I am that person, help me to reach out to someone that is willing to help if only I would ask them too. Be with us today Lord, In Your Name, Amen.
Have a great day.
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