Ecclesiastes 2:22
Imagine you're approaching a fork in the road. You're unsure of which way to turn. If you knew ahead of time that the road to the right would be filled with joy and the road to the left would lead to sorrow, wouldn't it make the decision easier? Finding God's Will, is very easy, yet very hard for us to see clearly. We have to have guidance, and our maps ready at all times, because life, well it is full or forks in the road. And if you choose based on what you think is the right way, it is often times not what God knows is the right way. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
Taking the right path determines rather you are in God's Will. However, it is our choice to make. Are you taking time to read your map, making sure you are ready for the next fork in your road? Choosing the wrong direction, will leave you searching for your way back. God's way is always the right way, and will never get you lost. Today, as you face multiple decisions, ask God to lead you down the right road.
Father, please forgive me for not trusting you and using your map you have given me. Please Lord, help me to stay focused and in your word and prayer, so that I am always ready for the fork in the road. Amen.
My Challenge to YOU:
Your challenge is to stay in your Bible and in prayer. I would also challenge you to attend one of our Women's Bible Studies coming this fall. There will be about 14 to pick from. Your Bible and Prayers are your map, but Bible studies are like your Frommer's Travel Guide. When you're planning a trip, what's one of the first things you need? Directions! You need driving directions. If you're going to arrive at the right destination, you've got to know where you're going and how to get there. You can't afford to be distracted when you're driving. Just the same you can't afford to be distracted when it comes to learning what the Bible really teaches about the plan of God. God has directions on marriage, family, hearing His voice, being a mom, a wife, a friend, how to protect ourselves, and how to get to heaven. We need to be in Bible studies and use them alongside our Bibles as the ideal travel guide. That's what's going to lead us. As we do that, we will find our path becomes clearer. God's ulitmate giver of directions and He wants to show you the way to an ideal future. Of course with any good trip, we will add in treats, friendship and great conversations. Keep your map with you and ready to use the next time you face a fork in your road.
Blessings on your day,
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