"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
How many lists do you have for today - groceries, errands, chores that need to be done. Chances are you could think of two or three more - at least!
Despite our lists, it seems like days when everything gets crossed off are rare. Will we ever catch up on all that needs to be done?
There is hope! God is concerned with all the details of our lives - including our to-do lists. And, when we ask Him to, He's ready and willing to teach us how to use them most effectively - and to become wise in the process.
That's what Moses is praying in Psalm 90. As the leader of the Israelites, Moses knew something about a huge to-do list! Sometimes caring for the needs of my family of three feels overwhelming. Can you imagine poor Moses trying to manage all those people?
That's why he asked God to teach him to number his days the right way. The Hebrew word for number means just what you think it does - to count, reckon, appoint, assign. Exactly the stuff of to-do lists.
With only so many hours in a day, it makes sense to ask God for help in making appointments, filling the calendar, planning what needs to be done and prioritizing your lists, to show you what's most important and what can wait until later.
As I've done this, I've been amazed at how God has rearranged my lists. Often he brings other people to mind, and a phone call to a friend ends up being the most important part of my day. Other times, the things I thought were pressing turn out to be not as important as spending time with my family, or taking some time to rest.
Try it. Sit down with your to-do list and ask God for help with it. Ask him to point out those things that you may have forgotten, or things that should wait. Ask him to shine through you as you make phone calls or have lunch with a friend.
Lord, I lay my to-do list for today, for this weekend, for the month, for the year before You. Show me and lead me to do what You would have me do. Amen.