Monday, June 4, 2012

The Truest Mirror

"The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord."
Psalm 45:11

How do you feel about your mirror?

Wendy, age 5, stumbles in her mommy's heels and frilly party dress. She gazes into the mirror and says, "I'm a princess!" Ten-year-old Wendy sports a bandage on her knee - one minute a princess and the next an Amazon explorer. Fifteen-year-old Wendy sticks out her tongue at the mirror. She pokes at her pudgy waist and pimply face. "Do you like tormenting me, God?" she moans. "How can anyone love me?"

Wendy at 20 accents her curves one minute and hides them the next. She goes to a movie with a friend, more comfortable in the dark. No mirrors there. At 30, she experiments at a makeup mirror - a dab of this, a dab of that. But when she catches a glimpse of her body in the closet mirror, she throws a pillow at her reflection. Wendy has little time to primp at 40. She avoids mirrors at all cost but grimaces whenever she sees her image in a grocery-store window.

At 50, Wendy opens her purse, checks her compact mirror, and sighs. "I guess looking okay is just fine!" she says. Sixty-year-old Wendy hangs mirrors all over her house. They reflect the light and bring her joy. She smoothes her simple hairstyle, grins, and blows a kiss.

Finally, at 70, Wendy realizes that the most accurate mirror of her life has been her Creator's eyes. His it the truest mirror - the only mirror that counts.

Do you know how truly beautiful you are? The Father calls His children beautiful, not because they are lovely on the outside, but because they are "in Christ." Believers are beautiful to God simply because He loves them. As we get older, our outer beauty may fade, but a woman who respects and obeys God will be praised as truly beautiful (Proverbs 31:30).

We are God's "workmanship" (Ephesians 2:10), wonderfully and skillfully made (Psalm 139:13-16). God is an awesome Artist. He "crowns" (adorns) us with salvation (Psalm 149:4), and His beauty in us transcends all time. In God's eyes, we're all beautiful! YOU are beautiful!!

Extra verses to marinate on:
Psalm 139:13-16
Proverbs 31:30
1 Peter 3:3-4

Father, forgive me when I doubt Your handiwork in creating me. I thank You today for Your creativity and love. Amen.

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