Monday, January 31, 2011


"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."Proverbs 22:6

What a promise for Christian parents! When you feel pressured by the task, take comfort. You are not alone -- your Father is with you and promises that the effective witness of your life, as you teach your children His way, will not fail to bless them. Parents who have just come to Christ can begin the training today. It is never too late to share your faith with those you love most.

Have a good Monday and be safe!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday's Challenge

This Weekend's Challenge

I will seek the approval of God rather than my peers.

"Your approval means nothing to me, because I know you don't have God's love within you."
John 5:41-42

If others in your life approve of your actions and God does not, you should be concerned. But if God approves, even though others don't, you should be content.

Have a super weekend. Let me know how your challenge is going.
See you in church this weekend

Thought for the Day

"Many things I have tried to grasp, and have lost.
That which I have placed in God's hands, I still have."
Martin Luther
I found this quote today. It has me thinking. Deep thoughts. What have I lost because I
wasn't allowing God to be apart of it? I have a list of things in my head that I do have in my life
because I placed it in God's hands not my own. That list is long and I have been blessed. But,
how much more does God want to give me if I were only willing to give it to Him first?
Think about it.
What has God given you and what more could God give you?

Here is a Bible verse I found that I feel goes well with Martin Luther's words:
"I will instruct you and teach you
in the way you should go:
I will guide you with My eye."
Psalm 32:8
What are your thoughts when you read the quote from Martin Luther?
What are you thinking?
What do you think the Bible verse is saying to you right now?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"A longing fulfilled is a tree of life."Proverbs 13:12

You are a fortunate woman! You live in a time when women can accomplish anything they set their minds to do. Are there still obstacles? Of course, but nothing you can't deal with. God has given you something special to do in this world. You'll know it by the longing you feel deep inside. Ask God to guide you, lending you His wisdom, grace, and strength. Then go for it. Nothing can compare with the joy of accomplishing God's will for your life.

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."Proverbs 16:3

Whatever God has called you to accomplish in your life, He has not called you to accomplish alone. He is always there, providing you with the resources you need to get the job done. That doesn't mean you won't stumble along the way or encounter difficulties. But it does mean that you can call upon the counsel and resources of almighty God to help you. Whether you need wisdom, inspiration, confidence, strength, or just plain tenacity, you will find your answer in Him.

Have a super Thursday!!
Blessings,Kami Hallaway
Community LIfe Coordinator

Thou Shalt Not Worry!

"Do no worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."Matthew 6:34

What if the Lord had written an eleventh commandment: "Thou shalt not worry"? In a sense, He did! He commands us in various scriptures not to fret. So, cast you anxieties on the Lord. Give them up! Let them go! Don't let worries zap your strength and your joy. Today is a gift from the Lord. Don't sacrifice it to fears and frustrations! Let them go . . . and watch God work!!

If God calls you to it ~ He will give you the tools to do it!
Have a great day and don't worry.... BE happy!! (You knew it was coming)
Kami Hallaway
Community Life Coordinator

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What do you think?

Women's Ministry.... when you hear this or read it in print what comes to mind?

Are you excited to find out what the next Bible study might be or the next event? Do you think, "It doesn't matter, I just don't have the time!" " Women's Ministry? Isn't that for "old" ladies? I'm not that old!!" or "Ugh! What do they want now? They are always asking for something."

Maybe Women's Ministry isn't like it use to be. Maybe it has changed over the years. "Change? Again? I like things the way they are or were and don't want something new!"

Let's be honest. We are exhausted. We've settled more than our share of conflicts, answered endless questions, finished something that wasn't our responsibility, and the list goes on. God doesn't say life is going to be easy. He doesn't promise a pothole-free, no roadblocks, construction-free path. So what are our options?

1. Continue down the road, grumbling with every swerve and bump.

2. Sit beside the road and throw a pity party.

3. Pull over and switch drivers.

We might try options 1 and 2 for awhile, but if we're listening to God, we'll eventually get to the last one. Pull over and switch drivers, letting God steer the car, put on the brakes, or press the accelerator.

We might as well choose the first. God already knows our attitudes, issues, and thoughts. He's proven himself trustworthy with them, so why do we keep pushing through, neglecting to give him everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly? The short answer is: We're human, and we're selfish. But let's not turn that into an excuse. It helps us understand why we do what we do, but it doesn't justify it. After all, if our lives are committed to God, as they should be, we have all the strength, resources, and direction we need. We just have to access it.

Need Strength: Psalm 23:3

Need Resources: 2 Corinthians 9:10

Need Direction: Psalm 32:8

God wants to grow his kingdom. That means he wants more people to know him better. That's where Women's Ministry can help. He's in control, and it's time to set aside our own ambitions for control.
Need: A listening ear ~ A hug ~ A shoulder to cry on ~ A friend to wipe away the tears ~ An answer to a question about life, family, job, friends, faith ~ A good ol' belly laugh ~ A Bible study to help you grow in your faith?

All these can be found in Women's Ministry. What better help can you find than being involved in a ministry that knows exactly what you need? You don't have to do life alone.

Women's Ministry . . . give it a try! You'll like what you see.

Here some questions to ponder. Leave a comment with your answer. We'd love to hear them:

*What do you think is the biggest needs of women in our community are?
*What are your greatest needs?

*What do you think are the stumbling blocks for women to attend an event? a study? a retreat?

*What are other ways women in our church can be involved in making a difference in our community?