You may think you aren't accomplishing anything in your life. Perhaps you work at a dead-end job or a disability has left you feeling useless and alone. No matter what your circumstances, God has a plan for you, and that plan is not out of reach. As long as you are looking to Him, your life will be fruitful and fulfilling. That's His will, His promise, and His plan.
Prayer for you:
Father, today I place my hand in your hand. Wherever you are going, I'm coming with you. I won't always understand the path or the whys, but I trust your heart. I trust your love. And help me, I pray, to grow in trust. Amen
WOW!! It is so beautiful outside. Take the time to breath in all the fresh air, listen to the birds sing and just be in awe and thankfulness at what God has given you today.
Blessings to you today,
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