1 Corinthians 2:12, NKJV
The Holy Spirit Who now lives in you is the same Holy Spirit in Genesis 1 Who hovered over the formless, empty, dark blob of earth that dangled in space. As He powerfully energized and pulsated the atmosphere, He prepared the planet to receive God's Word and be transformed into a place of purpose and beauty that ultimately, in the end, reflected the image of God.
That same Holy Spirit is now powerfully at work in your life, hovering over your heart, preparing you to love God and be fully aware of His love for you. He hovers over your mind, preparing you to understand spiritual things and the truth of His Word. He hovers over your will, preparing you to make decisions that are pleasing to Him. All the power of God-the same power that hung the stars in place and put the planets in their courses and transformed Earth-now resides in you to energize and strengthen you to become the person God created you to be.
Blessings on your day,
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