June 15th, 22nd, 29th
July 13th, 20th, 27th
Mornings: 10:00am ~ Free ~ Childcare provided
Lunch: 12:00pm ~ $35 (total for all 6 sessions) ~ Lunch provided
Evenings: 7:00pm ~ Free ~ NO childcare
Web-site: Blog style
Jesus told about a sower who planted a seed that yielded a hundred-fold harvest. The SEED in His story is the Word of God. Living and powerful. Capable of producing an astounding harvest in your life.
Forgotten: Unnoticed, unappreciated, ignored, under-valued, over-looked, invisible. At one time or another we have had these feelings. At one time or another we have made other people have these same feelings because of our actions. What does God say about the forgotten in His Word? We will be reminded that God notices our worth and cares for us at all times and in all season.
Enough: Wanting more and wanting better are things that come naturally to us. Anxiety, worry, and concern often accompany those feelings. We have everything we need, right here for us, today. God is a good Father to us and He has taken care of you up to now, and will continue to. He gifts are good and the are always good enough. God is enough to take on the task ahead and enough to finish the job.
Control: Living life under the authority of God is difficult at times. Taking the lead in our own life story is atendency of many of us. We all want to do the “leading” and have the “control” in our own life. Giving that upis difficult, but it is what God requires of us – and when we do so, we really can see that it is a beautiful result.
Armor: Many days we live our lives like the Enemy doesn’t exist, until something bad happens we can forget that the Enemy has his sights on us. He doesn’t want to pursue the will of God in your life so he will do whatever he can to distract you and stop you. We will discuss our own spiritual armor and discuss how we can stand firm against the schemes of the Devil.
Five: The routine of sin in our lives happens more than we would like to admit. At first we may happen upon it by accident, but quickly we fall in to the routine of sinning. This session will find us speaking of the bad habits we all seem to find ourselves in the middle of. Whether it is our fault or not, often times we keep going back to the same unhealthy cycles over and over again. Paul speaks of the same thing when he says in Romans that, “for that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do but am doing the very thing I hate. For the good that I wish, I do not do but I practice the very evil that I do not wish.”
Glory: Do you let God into the details of your life? Why is it easier to see God working in big decisions and broad brushstrokes throughout time rather than intimately involved in the mundane details of our day? God is very aware of the details of your life. He wants to be involved in every little portion of your day. We often get overwhelmed with the big picture of our life and everything that we need to get accomplished. This session helps change our perspective to take our eyes off the year ahead and the worries that come with that, but instead to remember that our life is made up of today and God will take care of the rest.
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