I open my email. I glance over my to-do list. I look at the appointments on my calendar.
It seems like it will be an ordinary week.
And yet...
Something inside me, something inside you, longs for extraordinary.
I tend to think that those kind of moments just aren't part of our day-to-day.
What if it's more that I'm not always looking for them?
Or that I sometimes rush past them even when they're in my path?
I think of the story of Moses and the burning bush. Moses is in the middle of the desert tending sheep, the equivalent of being in the middle of a work day for us today. Yours might happen in a cubicle, in your kitchen with toddlers around your feet, or in an airport.
And right there in the middle of that ordinary, God shows up.
I love what comes next...
"When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush...." Exodus 3:4
When Moses stopped to pay attention.
When he took time to notice the extraordinary.
When he turned aside from his to-do list...God changed everything.
Yes, there are seasons when we're simply called to be faithful, to do the simple and even unnoticed. But you just never know when it's going to be your time for a burning bush moment. You never know when God is going to step in and do the gloriously unexpected. We don't have to make it happen. We only have to be watchful and then willing.
Because our burning bush might be just around the corner.
Maybe today.
Maybe tomorrow.
Let's keep watching, keep waiting--God has more than we can even imagine ahead!
Dear Lord, help me to be not to busy to notice the extraordinary in my life this week. I don't want to miss it. In Your Name, Amen.
Hope you have a great week
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