Wednesday, September 21, 2011


"The LORD will not abandon His people." 1 Samuel 12:22

Do you remember when, as a little girl, you languished alone in your room as punishment? Or maybe you sat with your nose plastered to the corner in time-out. It felt like your parents had abandoned you, didn't it? As adults, we sometimes feel abandoned when that's not the case at all. We're actually in a place strategically chosen by a loving Father to teach us, broaden us, and improve us in the end.

Dear Lord, thank You for never abandoning me. Thank You for the spiritual "time-out' you sometimes put me through. It is a good time for me to really go to You and think and pray and be still and just listen. In these times You have never left me and You have strengthened me with just what I need at the moment. In Your Name, Amen.

Have a super day. Any burning bush sightings yet in your life? I would love to hear about it, if you'd like to share.
I see my burning bush. Got a little burnt when I go to close to make sure that it was 'my' bush.... but it was. Now, to decide what to do with my burning bush. I will be still and listen for God's direction. I am excited to see where He takes me.

Blessings on your day,

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