Thursday, May 31, 2012


"May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD."
Psalm 104:34

One of the simplest ways to add flavor to food, usually meat, is to marinate it. The food becomes a sponge, soaking up the sauce. Most marinades soften or tenderize food so it will absorb the flavors of the sauce. Marinades prepare food for grilling. When heat is added, the marinade imparts new character to the food and more intense flavor.

If we're in too big of a rush to take time to marinate meat for the grill, we may be disappointed with the outcome; the meat may be tough or dry. The quality of the marinade will also affect the flavor of the meat, so cooks have to choose carefully.

Some people marinate in all the "sauces" of pop culture and then wonder why they're disappointed with the outcome. Worldly marinades don't allow godly flavor to come through in our lives. We must be intentional and proactive about the marinade we choose for our minds and hearts.

Do you marinate in the Word of God? Are you like a sponge, soaking up the truth of Scripture? As we meditate (think about and ponder) on the Word, it comforts, instructs, and guides us. But it also makes our hearts tender to the work of the Holy Spirit. God softens our stubbornness and pride so we can yield to His will. Meditating on and memorizing God's Word enables us to store up truth for future needs.

Just as the marinade prepares food for grilling, when the heat of tough circumstances is turned up in our lives, we will likely exhibit the sweet character of Christ when we've spent time "absorbing" the Word of God. We become the kind of people others love to be around, talk with, learn from, and follow.

So, what will you marinate in today? 

Meditate on the Word of God. As you read the following verses, understand that meditation is not a quick glance at scriptures, but rather, a contemplative gaze.
Joshua 1:8
Psalm 77:11-12
Psalm 119:15, 97, 148

Lord, let me soak up the truth of Your Word today! Amen.

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